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Post  fennywest Mon 09 Apr 2012, 6:49 pm

1. Free now
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. This songs speaks of what Christ deed for me and can do for you, if you let Him into your life. He came to set captives free.

2. Christ is Risen ( 2)
Without the resurrecion of Jesus from the dead, we ( Christians), would be the most miserable on earth.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ underpin our belief. Jesus is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world; He is the Saviour of the world. He is the Way the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.


3. Keep your Dream Alive

an inspirational, motivational, magnetic, energetic, charging, challenging song

Do you have a dream from God that has suffered a setback or even dead? Is your purpose in life high-jacked by principalities and powers, living you reeling in limbo? If so, listen to this song as you look to Jesus the Author and finisher of your faith.

4. Something Happened
Something happened to me in Peckham, London, in 1981, the dead man came alive; the blind man began to see;the sin-sick was healed by Jesus Christ. I was born again. You too can have that experience if you come to Him with an open heart and surrender. Something happpened inside of me and it can happen to you too.

5. Author & finisher

He who began a good work in you will also finish it, because He is the Author and finisher of your faith. He is faithful, meciful and powerful, able to keep that which is committed into His hands. He is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is dependable, reliable, and exceedingly and abundantly able.

Yes, Jesus finishes what He begins. This is an inspirational song to ... Jesus finishes what He begins. This is an inspirational song to lift you from hopelessness into faith in God. It is not over until God says so. So long as you hold on to Him and trust Him, He will take you into your Promised Land regardless of the circumstances. In fact He will use adversity to propel you and push you into His plans and purposes and His prepared place for you. If He says 'Yes!' Who can say 'No'?

6. My God, My God

He came to set the captives free and whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I was in chains, in a slave market of sin and He came to set me free from Satan's cage. I was in a wreckage, suffered untold damages but He came to rescue me and restore me. And what He has done for me, He can do for you. I was left behind, in the grind, always looking behind but He came to change all that. That is the power of the Gospel. And what He has done for me, He can do for you. That is what the song is all about. Come with me into the Land of 'Free Now, to Serve the Lord.'

7. He’s Alive
An Easter song. Christ has risen.

8. Christ is Alive
An echo of the resurrection. Jesus Christ died to save sinners, which we all are. But the story did not end there. He rose again from the dead and ascended to the Father. That is why all those who put their trust in Him can be forgiven their sins and raised back to a newness of life in Christ Jesus. The old will go and the New will come. Because He is alive, we can live also. We have eternal life and heaven becomes our home.

9. Look Unto the Hills
Powerful Psalm of inspiration and warfare. Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth. He is like a doctor always on call. He is always alert, always there and our ever-present help. Others may trust in riches or princes but our trust is in the Lord- all-powerful, exceeding abundantly able to turn the table in our favour. He is the Unchanging Changer.

10. Worthy is the Lamb
Song of worship of our Saviour and Lamb of God Who took away our sin, made atonement for us, reconciling us to the Father.

11. Rise Up!

Vicissitudes of life do visit us; the valleyof Bacca confronts us from time to time; this is the valley of weeping, disappointment, calamity and what have you? But in Christ we can use the stumbling blocks as stepping stones to a higher ground. The valley can be a place of spring, a springboard lifting you to a higher dimension. ay the Lord cause you to rise up from your valley of Bacca and make it a place of spring. May you go from faith to faith, strength to strength and glory to glory. ALL things work together for good for those who love God and who are called according to His purposes. Rise Up!

12. You Must Be Born Again

Like the process of metamorphosis becoming a Christian is a transformation from a maggot into a masterpiece as the old goes and he new comes. This can only happen when we acknowledge that we are sinners in need of a Saviour- Jesus; the Lamb that takes away the sin of this world. He takes us from darkness into his marvellous light and cleanses us and gives us His robe of righteousness. That is what this song is all about. If you do not have a personal relationship with God, can I encourage you to do so without delay? This is the day of salvation. This is the acceptable time. Tomorrow might be too late.

13. He that Dwells Ps.91

This is a powerful psalm of protection for those who dwell under the shadow of the Wings of God. It is one of my favourite Psalms, especially when I am under attack.

May you find this song comforting and reassuring in your spiritual warfare.

14. Bless the Lord O My Soul
This is a medley of Psalms: Psalm34 & 103 with a rousing inspirational, joyful music to put dance in your feet and praise to your lips, to the Living God, Who deserves our praise. Join me as we dance, sing and praise the Lord and bless His holy Name. Let's do it with reckless abandon- with everything within our being! Bless the Lord, O my soul!

15. Preeminent One
This is a song of worship acknowledging the preeminence, magnificence, immanence, majesty, glory, creativity and sovereignty of the Most High.

16. Sing a New Song (1)
Sing a New song,- a song with a cutting edge, joy unspeakable and full of glory to the Lord of Glory.

17. Peace, Be Still!

This is a prophetic song to encourage, comfort, challenge and charge you in you Race of Grace. May the Lord speak to you and lift you up, if you are discouraged. May He put springs in your steps to rise up and fulfill your vision, regardless of the obstacles you face. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from them all. Weeping may endure for the night but joy is coming in the morning. If God be for you, who can be against you?

18. Come, Comforter
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus, God, the Spirit, the Counselor, the Guide, Advocate, Teacher, Standby, Strengthner and Comforter. He convicts us of sin and of our need for salvation. He is s Divine person and without Him we will be powerless and useless as Christians. He is the anointing that lifts burdens and breaks yokes. He came on the Day of Pentecost and has remained here, energising the Church, giving the gifts of the Spirit and encouraging the fruit-of the spirit. This is a prayer-song, acknowledging and inviting Him to come and do what He did on the Day of Pentecost.

19. Come to the Cross
Life begins at the cross. We all need to humble ourselves and acknowledge our need for resurrection into a New Life. When we come to the cross and repent of our sins, our new life begins. We become children of God, citizens of Heaven; the old goes and the New comes.

20. I Just Wanna To You

An attitude of gratitude leads to altitude. We need to count our blessings name them one by one and glorify God, instead of complaining or moaning about what we don't have. And when we thank God, He lifts us up, regardless of our circumstances. Our thanks and praise become a tonic, a fillip, to lift us to another plane, enabling us to rise on eagles wings and ride the storms of life. Try praise and thanks when every other thing fails.

21. ***I Will Wait

The Race of Grace we run in this life is not a quick dash. It is a marathon race and you need to be resilient, tenacious, undaunted, setting your face like a flint and run with patience until you finish. Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength like the eagle. Waiting takes time but it pays fine.

22. Amazing Grace

God's grace is amazing, great and wonderful. Taste and see!

23. **Be Strong in the Lord
In our spiritual warfare, God has made provision for His children. If you are born again, you need to know these weapons and armament and use them to fight and win the good fight of faith. This song sets the six pieces of weapons in Ephesians 6:10-18 into a song. It is thrilling, inspiring, rejuvenating, comforting and empowering.


24,.**Be Strong and Courageous

All life is a war, especially when you turn your back on the world and follow the pathway of righteousness and become born again. God has given us His whole armour for us to fight the good fight of faith. As we use it skilfully we win. God is also fighting for us as we humble ourselves under His mighty hand and resist the enemy. That is what this song is about.

25. ****Praise the Lord (Ps150)

We were created to praise the Living God, not just in words but also in our lifestyle. This is the expression in this song. It's Ps150 set to music. Join me and be fulfilled as we praise God together.

26. I Delight in Your Word (G& H)
God's word is dynamic, energetic, powerful, beautiful, insightful, wonderful, and delightful. It is precious, worth more than gold. It brings light into darkness, joy into sadness, revelation amidst opposition and divine direction. I delight in it. In its light, I see light.

27. Great & and Marvelous
This is the song of Moses, found in Revelation Chapter15. Our God is great and marvellous and so are His works. His is just and true in His ways. He is a God of integrity, faithfulness, without injustice, good and upright.

28. Sing a New Song (2)
God's power is unlimited, breath-taking, surpassing man's expectation, imagination; super-abundant, reviving, revealing, restoring, healing, and invigorating, to say the least. He gives a song in the night that ushers a New Day, a New Era, turns a desert into an evergreen forest, brings the dead back to life..
Plug into God's power today and Sing a New Song!

29. Sing, O Barren OneJoyful expectation prophetic and inspirational song, faith-filed, especially for the barren in any dimension-spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, relational etc etc

30. Sing a New Song Book Blast
This Song was used to launch my book, Sing a New Song.

It was a long road to Sing a New Song; waiting takes time but it pays fine; speaks of the greatness, goodness, faithfulness and power of God to make rivers in deserts, turn winter into summer; valley of dry bones into a mighty army, to His glory and praise.

31. All Things are Possible
All things are possible with God. All things are possible to those who believe. Regardless of how what the doctors may have said, God has the final say. It is not over until He says so. If God had promised, it shall come to pass despite the wind and the storm that rage. Stand on God’s word. Pray it back to Him. Refuse anything contrary to the will and word of God. If you believe, you will see.

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