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Post  song Thu 30 Jul 2009, 12:51 pm

Here are some myths about death and astrology. And please don't go around using them as death indicators because they really won't work and are just doing the rounds to fool you!!!

  • People die on a transit.Many think that their 'death' was arriving shortly in the form of a heavy transit from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.No one can die on transit. It has to be backed up in the progressions, firstly. And there may be 'other' indicator present, such as an eclipse, plus a transit. These two or three pieces to the recipe for Death must be in place before something serious and major happens. Nothing major happens on a transit. Everything major occurs with progressions.

  • Saturn is a death indicator.And no, Saturn isn't the only death planet indicator. It is one of many, as you will see. Any and all the planets, including the Uranian ones, can be involved in a death.

  • Transits in the 8th house are responsible for deaths. Just because you have a transit, progression or eclipse in your 8th house (known as the house of sex, taxes and death), does not mean you're gonna check out either. Any house in the natal chart, any of the twelve, can be implicated and involved in your death.

  • Hard aspects can lead to death. No it isn't just hard aspects such as a conjunction, square, inconjunct or opposition that can put you into another dimension. So can soft aspects such as a sextile and trine, too. And there isn't one aspect that is a 'death aspect', either.

  • Eclipses really kill people. Eclipses are not going to kill you. In and of themselves, they never will. In order to die, you must have progressions set up. An eclipse might be a trigger for this to occur, but that is all.

  • Lately, Chiron is getting a myth started on this asteroid that it's Death's Door. No, it isn't. A Chiron transit can certainly bring transformation--but it doesn't mean dying physically.

  • The Moon's Nodes are the major indicators of dying. Not really. They may or may not be implicated in a death. They are found to be 'active' in potential physical death only about 30% of the time--and that's not a very high statistic to count on.

Source: Find Your Fate
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